About us

Profilati Brescia Sistemi

A growing company whose development is due to the competence and entrepreneurship of its members who have in the long term been able to maintain the highest quality standards of the products and services offered, thus gaining a leading position in the panorama of the sale of series commercial aluminum profiles.

Founded in 1997 Profilati Brescia Sistemi srl has gained a leading position in the panorama of the sales of aluminum profile profiles.

The sudden increase in the volume of demand for the sector, prompts the company to expand the range of products offered in 1999 by adding more with a European room up to 2000 when it becomes a reference point in the area thanks to an important installation of heat cutting assembly machines that improves the service of bi-colors and optimizes delivery times.

The decisive turning point is, however, in 2002, when the company pushed for the desire to meet its customers more and more successfully introducing some of its own design products to the range of products offered: PBS60, 70TH, 78TH Plus, 100 and 100TH.

To date, Profilati Brescia Sistemi SRL is exclusive distributor of two other major brands: a growing company whose development is due to the competence and entrepreneurship of its members who have long been able to maintain the highest quality standards of the products and services offered

do you want to work with us?

We are always looking for professional figures that can add value to our business.
Profilati Brescia Sistemi s.r.l. | Via F.Petrarca, 9 - 25020 Flero (BS) | P.IVA/CF 03430600175 - Privacy Policy